Dare Dorm

Real submitted dorm room footage from real students !!

Full Of It

Posted on | May 25, 2010 | No Comments

dare dorm full of it

dare dorm full of it

They say, there is no better like sexy foam party cause such a party do not see end. Maybe not exactly they say it but this ascertainment is very close what I write on the beggining. After watching this mad movie of foam party you state it by yourself. Two friends from Dare Dorm think about winning a big cash taping foam party – the prize was big so they have to do good job. Determination makes that they decide to smuggled foam machine into dorm, next step was to invite a couple of hot chicks and record everything during sex party. Sex project was succesfull. Tons of foam and alcohol, bright lights and sexy girls who easy take off clothes and join to orgy I have never seen before. This movie definitely deserve for first prize! So relax and watch this crazy movie! Dare Dorm


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